During this challenging time, we have made the following adjustments to our business operations to help keep our customers AND our staff safe:
-YOU CAN NOW ORDER "TO-GO!" There are still a few kinks we are working out on this as we have never done “to-go” orders before, so stay tuned for more information on this option!
-We will sanitize frequently touched surfaces often, and will have LOTS of hand sanitizer available for your use. We encourage you to bring your own as well!
-Tables will be spread out at least 6’ apart to ensure proper social distancing. We also ask that you practice this and stay with your party as much as possible. Luckily at a farm there is a lot of space to spread out! We also strongly encourage folks to bring their own chairs or small tables if they prefer. Also, if we notice the barnyard feeling "packed," we may have you wait to find a place to sit until there is more room to safely do so.
-We will be going away with any “communal” items such utensils, condiments, paper products, etc.. These items will now be prepackaged and you can get more at the pickup window or bar.
-For the time being we will not have our communal yard games out, BUT, we strongly encourage you to bring your own!
-We will have paper menus available and when practical will encourage parties to have one person make the orders for the group. This will help avoid congestion at the bar and trailer.
-At the bar, some beverage offerings will be in aluminum cans instead of bottles to reduce the amount of handling by bar staff.
-Finally, this pandemic has had a major impact on food and beverage supply chains all over the country, which means sometimes we aren't able to order as much of an item as we like. Please be patient and flexible as we continue to bring you the best beer, wine, and pizza around!
-Being an outdoor establishment, we have always been hard-core about sanitation and cleanliness, and we will double our efforts even more now! We ask that you also help us help you say safe!